DIGIT-Playground is an ideal place for anyone who is interested in exploring DIGIT functionalities without any manual setup.
It is one stop destination where you can interact and playaround with DIGIT through various endpoints made available.Steps to interact with the API's#
1. Generate Access Token :#
DIGIT expects a valid auth token to be passed as part of each request body for auth purposes.a) To obtain access token head to this link and just click on send button.b) It should look like this:2. Passing auth token in request body of API you wish to access#
a) Pass the generated token in authToken field of requestInfo.b) See the highlighted field in the below image3.
CLICK send! : You now just need to click the send button to start interacting the endpoints.
How to use DIGIT Update endpoints#
In DIGIT any update request requires users to pass updated request body built upon the search response for that record to ensure consistency.
We suggest follow one of the two flows either based upon whether you are creating the record for the first time or using an already existing one.1.
Create a record -> Search that record -> Update the record (using the response data from record search)
Search the record -> Update the record (Using the response data from record search)
Example of Workflow service1.
Creating a new BusinessService : Go to and update authToken and businessService to create a new business service. Reffer to below image to see how it should looks.

Searching the created workflow : Search the recently created record to get the latest businessService detail.
Updating the created workflow: Copy BusinessServices from the response data and update the same in the update workflow request and make any changes in this request body as per your wish to get your record updated.
NOTE: Although the API's have already been configured as per a valid request body. We encourage you to try and play around with them , try changing request body , params etc. As with most things in engineering you will start get a better idea of using them as you start breaking them! Modified at 2024-05-23 08:58:11